Unedited Thanksgiving Skit

in thanks give

October 6, 1621 Plymouth New England. Fall is beginning. The harvest has been gathered. All the work has been done. The second winter for the Pilgrims is approaching.

3 Adult Male Pilgrims
Robert Hopkins, John Allerton & Edward Winslow

3 Adult Male Native Americans
Squanto of the Patuxet tribe (last survivor) & of the Wampanoag tribe
Grand Sachem Massosit & Samoset

Sc1 Empty Room except for one table. Violin music begins cheerful, light. The pilgrims are setting the table with food (vegetables, fruits, and fish), plates, cups, candles, and flowers. When they are finished setting the table the music stops with a sense of confusion. Pilgrims stare at table. Pilgrims stare at each other.

Robert Hopkins: So what do we do now?

Edward Winslow: We wait for Squanto and the Wampanoag tribe.

Robert Hopkins: Do you know what time they’re coming?

John Allerton: um…I talked to Squanto about 2 days ago and he said something about when the sun is above that hill, hits that boulder over there (points out window) and casts a shadow that looks like a hawk eating a pig while flying backwards then…he shouldn’t be too far.

Edward Winslow: What does that even mean?

John Allerton: Well, with my Squanto translator (opens a book) I think that would mean…

Robert Hopkins: Wait, what? John has a Squanto translator!?!

John Allerton: Of course…I don’t, but looking at the hill from here I’d say in…with the shadow… noon-ish.

Edward Winslow: Let me see!! (stares out window) yeah, definitely noon-ish.

Robert Hopkins: Great. I’m starving.

Edward Winslow: Tell me about it. I’ve been looking forward to this for months. Ever since we began planting. I even bathed 3 weeks ago just for this.

John Allerton: That’s nothing I’m wearing clean clothes.

Robert Hopkins: Really? How clean?

John Allerton: I washed them 2 months ago.

Edward Winslow: Wow!!! Seriously? I’m impressed. Impressive.

John Allerton: Yeah!!! Thanks. I know. I know what you guys are thinking. It takes a lot of work though…to look this good. Keep trying though you’ll get it at some point.

Robert Hopkins: Hey, that looks like the shirt I lost 2 months ago. I left it outside to dry and thought I saw some wild hairy beast midget take it.

Robert Hopkins & Edward Winslow: Hahahahaha (elbow one another)

Edward Winslow: …but honestly what difference does it make. There are 48 men and 4 women here and all of the women are married.

John Allerton: Who cares I still look good.

[ Freeze tag it. Someone says 4 hours later]

Sc.2 Pilgrims are pacing back and forth. The candle is out. It is mid-afternoon.

Edward Winslow: Oh. My. Goodness. Lord help me, Where are these people? I’m starving, but I don’t want to start eating without them.

John Allerton: I say forget them and let’s eat before the food gets even colder and the room gets darker.

Robert Hopkins: I agree. We’re suppose to be celebrating already. Look at this (rubs stomach) I think it shrunk.

Edward Winslow: Believe me it didn’t shrink. And we need to wait. I know it’s exhausting, but we made a pact that we wouldn’t eat without our guests of honor who if you guys forgot- without their help and guidance we wouldn’t even have survived the winter nor have all this glorious abundance of food to be staring at.

John Allerton: Youknow…this whole time I’ve been thinking. It’s funny we’ve been so busy lately that these past couple of hours have been some of the few I’ve had to myself in a long time. We’ve always busy. If its not one thing it’s something else. I mean we landed here about a year ago, almost half of the ship died on either the way here or during the winter. We didn’t meet Squanto till March and then we worked like mules to plant, and tend and harvest and now here we are in October and winter is almost here.

Robert Hopkins: Ok. What’s your point?

John Allerton: I just realized that it’s been for nothing. All of it. It’s been a big waste.

Edward Winslow: What are you talking about?

John Allerton: Look at us Edward. We’re in a place we don’t know. Freezing half the time. Eating the same foods day in and day out- peas, beans, maize, fish, I don’t remember the last time I had some deer. I’m a man Edward I NEED meat. One of these days I’m either going to turn into a fruit or vegetable. Look at this!!! (points and pulls on his neck) Gills. I think I can breathe underwater I’ve eaten so much fish.

Edward Winlsow: You survived though.

John Allerton: We barely survived. On top of which our only other company are a bunch of people we don’t understand. Out of 104 people on ship with us there is only 53 now and the year isn’t even up yet. Did I mention winter is coming when people have the tendency to die, probably by next October we’ll have 25 people left.

Robert Hopkins: John, you survived!!

John Allerton: Why did I even come here? I was better off in England.

Robert Hopkins: You aren’t listening. You’re a success story. You made it. And that stuff on your neck is called dirt. Here’s some water fishman- (hands him a cup of water)

John Allerton: Funny. No not really. You’re right though…it’s dirt…probably because most of the day is spent working on the same fields, doing mindless work. Week after week. Alone. Alone. Alone. And… I think I’m getting sick. (cough, cough)

Edward Winslow: Don’t give me that weak cough. Let me remind you John what was back there ‘across the pond.’ King James. Remember him and his Church of England. Do you remember how we were considered criminals because we didn’t agree to become part of his church- “join my church or be thrown in jail – a death sentence” We were persecuted. We couldn’t even praise God the way we wanted to there. Don’t forget that. The main reason we came here was for God. Jesus said, “You are the light of the world…A city on a hill cannot be hidden.” People will come here, John. You’ll see.

Robert Hopkins: Also, don’t forget we weren’t going anywhere economically. We were stuck. That land we worked all day everyday wasn’t ours. My lord, we paid them!!! to live and work it. Who do we pay here? Who do we work for here? Huh I’m sorry wait what was that – oh yeah ourselves.

John Allerton: I guess…but look at our situation Robert.

Robert Hopkins: Mark 11:22-24 say, “Have Faith in God. I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Things will get better. Not only will more people come to Plymouth, but look at all the positives. Our homes are warmer than last winter, we have an abundance of food. If faith can move mountains filling our bellies will not be hard at all. You just have to have faith John.

Edward Winslow: You should be thanking God and rejoicing about your good fortune. Remember Apostle Paul’s words? “Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

John Allerton: I wholeheartedly agree, but you know we’re still immigrants here. I feel like we don’t belong. We don’t fit in at all.

Edward Winslow: You think Moses left Egypt and lived the life. He wandered around for 40 yrs in a desert, eating the same bread, and he went in circles. Compared to him you have it easy.

John Allerton: Hahahaha. You’re right. That’s seems worse. You forgot he didn’t even enter the promised land either. Wow!!! This is a day of Thanksgiving. I’m sorry guys for being so unappreciative. It just sometimes youknow.

Robert Hopkins: We know. It’s ok. Life can get you down sometimes but that’s when you need God the most. When we were struggling and didn’t know if we would make it. Remember how we all prayed constantly for guidance and lo and behold who showed up soon after non other than Squanto.

John Allerton: You’re right thanks to Squanto we learned how and where to catch eel and grow maize, cook. He helps us trade furs everything. God truly provides for those who believe.

Edward Winslow: Amen

Robert Hopkins: Amen

John Allerton: AMEN!!!! ( shouts it) This makes me want to sing. (play Bob Marley’s Don’t worry Be Happy 1st section only. Lip-singing ensues. It stops with the knocking at the door)

Sc. 3 Knocking at the door. Someone opens it.

Edward Winslow: Hey, please come in come in. (shaking hands)

Squanto: Sorry we took so long, but we didn’t want to come empty-handed. So we brought these 6 deer!!!

Edward Winslow: Amazing!!!!

Robert Hopkins: Wow!!!

John Allerton: Thank You God!!! (with hands clasped, kneeling down, looking up, he mouths it)

Squanto: This is Grand Sacheum Massomit and Samoset

Edward Winslow: Grand (mumbling) Sachem Massosit nice to meet you. Samit nice to meet you.

John Allerton: Hey we’re real hungry so do you guys mind gathering around the table.

Edward Winslow: Ok. John do you mind praying.

John Allerton: Thank you Lord for everything. For this amazing feast, a plentiful harvest, our new home, our friends and their kindness. We know things can be hard, but through your love we’re able to overcome all obstacles. Thank you Lord for all your blessings in our life. We pray that you continue to grow our faith and in all things we trust in you. Amen

Edward Winslow: Amen

Robert Hopkins: AMEN!!!!!

Edward Winslow: Ok. Let’s eat. (everyone gets plates and such)

John Allerton: Youknow (directed to Grand Sachem Massosit and Samoset) there’s an old saying that says “ real men eat 4 plates of food”

Samoset: Why is it old saying?

Grand SM: Why 4 it so little. Wampanoag say “real man eat whole deer”. You eat whole deer today?

John Allerton: (looks across the room as if looking for someone) what was that – you needed more fire wood. I’m sorry Grand (mumbles again) Sachem Massosit hold that thought.

[Freeze tag it. Someone says ‘3 days later’]

Everyone is holding their belly.

Robert Hopkins: I’m stuffed.

John Allerton: That deer was so filling- I feel a song coming on. (cue Bob Marley One love and everyone stands up and lip-sings it then in unison shout ‘Happy Thanksgiving’

Edward Winslow: AMEN!!!!


jjeon said…
is there a hint of bitterness in that word "unedited" :)

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