i have confidence issues. and im a self-saboteur. i continually doubt my abilities.
every time something becomes extremely overwhelming my first instinct is to shut-down and walk away. there's something about despair that's so singular as if the world was on one side of a glass and you're on the other. and you begin to think: who can understand what it feels like to be on this side?
and i constantly have to check myself. to stand and take it. to push forward.
i thank God. i pray.
every time something becomes extremely overwhelming my first instinct is to shut-down and walk away. there's something about despair that's so singular as if the world was on one side of a glass and you're on the other. and you begin to think: who can understand what it feels like to be on this side?
and i constantly have to check myself. to stand and take it. to push forward.
i thank God. i pray.